Juried Mathematical Fiber Arts Exhibit, JMM2009
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The Petting Zoo table
closeup of the right half of the petting zoo: right to left, a seven-colored fleece torus, a hyperbolic pair of pants, a two-holed torus, K_6 embedded on a projective plane, a torus, a mobius band, and a projective plane.
Closeup of the left half of the petting zoo: left to right, a piece of hyperbolic space, a seven-colored flat fleece torus, a nonorientable surface of genus 3, a Fortunatus' purse, three small bits of hyperbolic surface, a Klein bottle, a braid, and a Mobius band.
Another view of Daniel Yuhas' Phyllotactic blanket.
Click on the image for the artist's statement.
Here's the left half of that table...
sarah-marie belcastro's Nonuniform Nonorientable Nonsurfaces
Click on the image for the artist's statement.
Norah Gaughan's Celestine
Click on the image for the artist's statement.
Wright's Seifert Surface of the Borromean Rings
Click on the image for the artist's statement.
another view of the Seifert Surface of the Borromean Rings
Wright's Seifert Surface of the Trefoil
Click on the image for the artist's statement.
Another view of the Seifert Surface of the Trefoil
Hugh Griffiths' Trefoils
Click on the image for the artist's statement.
Another view of the Trefoils
Daina Taimina's Day and Night in Hyperbolic World
Click on the image for the artist's statement.
The other half of that table... which should indicate the (large) scale of Day & Night...
Susan Goldstine's Perfectly Simple
Click on the image for the artist's statement.
A non-distorted view of Perfectly Simple
A different color configuration of the Hexaflexacube